How To Get Your Instant Moving Quote Online?

Moving a home takes a lot of effort, time and money. Whether it is about packing household belongings or finding a suitable house, you need to do everything before the final moving day. Instead of doing everything on your own, it is good to hire trained professionals who can assist you in packing and moving chores. They will reduce the stress and give you a lot of time to focus on other important tasks. Nowadays, hiring reliable Brisbane removalists has become super easy. You can request for an instant moving quote online and avail the best service within your budget. If you want to know the right method of getting instant moving estimate online, then keep reading the article. | 3 Reasons to Get Instant Moving Quotes Online for Free

Australia to Lift COVID-19 Border Restrictions in Most Populous States

SYDNEY – COVID-19 border restrictions are to be lifted between Australia’s most populous states. Authorities in New South Wales say the border with Victoria will reopen on Nov 23 but warn it will be a “calculated risk.” Victoria has been at the center of Australia’s coronavirus crisis, but strict lockdown measures appear, for now, to have worked.

Four months ago, New South Wales closed its border with Victoria because of a second wave of coronavirus infections. The closure separated families, disrupted travel and businesses. Victoria was at the epicenter of a national public health crisis. The state capital, Melbourne, was placed for a second time into lockdown, and those strict measures, which have recently been relaxed, have seen the outbreak contained. Victoria has recorded its fifth consecutive day of no new community COVID-19 cases and zero deaths.

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FILE PHOTO: People take photos in front of a 'Welcome Back' sign after coronavirus disease restrictions were eased in Melbourne

Australian exporters scramble as fears of more China trade bans grow

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bottles of wine on a shelf

Australian exporters bracing for $6 billion hit as China trade dispute worsens

Australian exporters fear $6 billion of products could be turned away by Chinese officials from ports and airports starting today.
Earlier this week, Chinese importers were told by officials that Australian wine, lobsters, sugar, coal, copper ore, barley and timber would be banned from the country.
If the threat becomes reality, the value of Australian exports to China would be slashed by around $5 to $6 billion annually.

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American Tribalism, Australian Reflections

The emotions I feel as an American watching the presidential election from Australia? So far, at least, it’s been a mix of surprise, disappointment, confusion, a dash of hope and some embarrassment.

The American process of democracy — with no independent election commission, with wide variations on voting procedures, with an Electoral College that sometimes contradicts the majority — certainly looks like an antiquated mess after covering efficient elections in Australia and New Zealand.

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